Review: Sonic Lost World

sonic lost worldWhilst once a series with the force to rival Super Mario, Sonic’s fall from grace isn’t exactly new news. I still remember when the game now known as Sonic 2006 was being hailed as the title that would revive the blue hedgehog to his former glory. But this (obviously) never worked out, and since then we’ve had eight years of SEGA throwing a random assortment of ideas at a wall and seeing what sticks. Sonic Lost World might not epitomise the last few years worth of slow progress, but it’s not inherently broken, and is really quite fun to play.

sonic lost worldIt might seem overly cautious, but I always brace myself for a gamebreakingly awful mechanic every time I first put a new Sonic game in the machine. SEGA has had their finger on the self-destruct button for so long now that they’ve actually been quite creative in some of the ways they’ve ruined these games, and I always wonder what on earth they could do next. I like how they constantly trick us, always promising that the latest game will be the one that brings the series back to it’s roots. But I’ll never trust them again, not after Sonic Unleashed and it’s goddamn Werehog.

Sonic Lost World somehow avoids it’s cursed heritage. It’s like a child star that didn’t go off the rails, and has somehow turned out alright. There’s no shoddy overworld, no new playable ‘characters’, no brutally long loading sequences, no unskippable cutscenes, no mention of King Arthur, and no past and future Sonic teaming up to combine ‘major attitudes’. In fact, Lost World actually builds upon the fun experiences I remember from the old Sonic Adventure games, whilst streamlining both the game’s structure as well as the level design. It might have a few flaws of it’s own, but it’s heart is in the right place.

sonic lost worldThe levels themselves are spherical worlds that look fairly alike to those found in Super Mario Galaxy. But the similarities really start and end there, and the static camera and linear structure means the game actually has more in common with Super Mario 3D Land. Both take the classic gameplay and level design from their series’ 2D entries, and adapt it in a fun and creative way to make it work as a 3D platformer.

Sonic Lost World also bears resemblance to the footage from Sonic X-treme, the cancelled Saturn game that was meant to be Sonic’s first 3D adventure. It’s interesting to see SEGA explore some of their initial ideas for making the transition between dimensions, and it’s from here that the spherical level design originated. Anyone who tells you this game rips off ideas from Super Mario Galaxy hasn’t done their homework.

sonic lost worldGameplay wise, Sonic Lost World makes quite a few changes to the formula that was starting to be established after Sonic Colours and then Generations. Most notably, Sonic is quite a bit slower than he’s been in recent years, and when you’re not holding down the run button (R) he walks at quite a leisurely pace. At times this can be quite a good thing, as in the past Sonic has been a bit too fast for his own good. In order to compensate for his immense top speeds, levels were often not much more than a straight line, but this time around there’s room for some precise platforming, and this makes for a welcome change.

But there’s also moments when he really is quite slow, and the game’s 2D sections feel particularly sluggish. Usually these are the highlights of a modern Sonic, but here they are some of the worst bits (aside from a strange level when you play as a snowball). This results in a game that is more likely to find favour with those who enjoyed Sonic’s previous 3D outings, rather than those looking for a revival of the 2D games.

Sonic Lost WorldThere are other problems too, including an outdated ‘lives’ system, an imprecise homing attack, and the frequent cheap deaths you’ve probably come to expect from a Sonic game. Then there’s the wisps from Sonic Colours, which make an unwelcome return. Not only do they feel completely out of place, but they also introduce some poor motion controls into the mix. Finally you have the story, and the less said about that the better really. I know Sonic isn’t known for it’s gripping narrative, but the plot in Lost World is beyond garbage. If you couldn’t skip the cutscenes then this would be a serious problem.

Overall you’ll really have to decide for yourself if it’s worth overlooking the game’s flaws, and if you can I think you’ll really enjoy Sonic Lost World. It’s not another broken/unfinished/devoid of fun entry in the series, and some decent gameplay and graphics actually make it one of the better Sonic games in recent history. The levels are varied, the mechanics are unique, and I respect SEGA for releasing a Nintendo exclusive whilst every other company refuses to out of fear that it wont make them enough money. All of this and there’s not a Werehog in sight.


If you don’t like it play Sonic and the Black Knight and get some perspective.

sonic lost world

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5 responses to “Review: Sonic Lost World”

  1. Sam says :

    Thank you for writing enjoyable reviews that are removed from industry cliches and internet fandom. While I stumbled upon your blog looking for a review for Arkham Origins (Thanks by the way. I was considering getting it but you saved me the 50.00-60.00 purchase.) I read the rest of your blog with much delight. Thank you for being a small droplet of sanity to a rage-infested internet gaming community. :)

    • Sam says :

      … would be helpful if I actually commented on the contents of the aforementioned article, wouldn’t it? :p

      While I haven’t played Lost World myself, I found it frustrating to read review after review – all bashing the game – with no real valid arguments against it. NintendoLife’s main complaint was that the review lost “too many” lives when playing. Uuuuuhhhh okay? Ign advised the game was too slow (has he played games where Sonic was Too fast? They sucked!) and stated the controls were terrible because they were different, advising Mario gets it right because his controls are the same in every game. Like… that is any comparison to a game that is based on momentum-esque physics?

      So thank you again. While I would have liked a better dissection on the actual mechanics/level design that you found lacking, at least it appears you UNDERSTAND this game before you reviewed it. :)

      • discodracula111 says :

        Cheers dude, thank you for your kind words! I’ve read a few reviews criticising Sonic Lost World for being too hard, but it’s definite something that wont effect many people’s enjoyment of the game. I personally grew up on the old Sonic Adventure games, I’d just play them over and over again, and now I never have a problem with the difficulty in the newer titles. And he was definitely too fast in some of those haha, but I think everyone’s forgot that!

  2. Matthew says :

    I thought the levels looked pretty nice and creative in this and it seemed really good when I saw a Gamersyde video if it in 60 fps (the casino zone). Would love to play an enhanced version on PS4, or any Sonic game really. I think people are tired of them, but if Sega is listening, a new Sonic collection I feel is in order, perhaps concentrating on the modern 3D ones (PS2 and up).

    • Disco Dracula says :

      That would be awesome, although as some of the 3D ones are on XBLA and PSN it might be unlikley with SEGA still making money on them. Sonic Colours was really good too, a HD remake of that would be sweet!

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